Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Letting go

I have decided to blog often, if not frequently. I am not proud of the way I write and it has taken me a while to actually get to this "task". Yes, as of now, that is how I am going to take it forward. A project in hand. If I don't start today, I am sure a year from now, I going to look back to this day, and wish that I did.
No more regrets. All my outpourings, my blah-blahs, my honest and dishonest opinions, my not so great humorous tales, reviews, and all the dramas of day to day life is going to be all over this page.
I also hope to improve on my articulation skills along the way. But overall, this is going to be my space, where I can just be me.
Take for instance, today I was thinking of how hard it is to let go. Letting go of old habits , a cherished dream or a dear friend. Its always difficult. But I have to overcome the fear of the unknown, and step out of my comfort zone.
There is a beautiful and bright world out there, I'd like to believe. I just wish I can carry the courage in my heart to take that first step. I will know then, even if I failed, I tried. I will pick myself up, and try again.
So here I am letting go of my fear. I will pick that phone up tomorrow and call the car driving school :)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Spring is here again

 I sit here staring at the screen in front of me. My fingers are hovering over the keyboard for quite a while before I start typing some random words into the text box.
This post is not about anything. It is not  enlightening or inspiring or even informative.
It is just a few black alphabets coerced to align themselves to form some semblance of sentences.
The structure is right. The sentences do not deviate much from grammar.Yet, of what use is this?
Does everything need to have a purpose, a deeper meaning? Does every story need a plot? Can't beautiful vivid tales be spun with no sudden twist or turn?
Anyway, this post is for me. These random , arbitrary collection of words have somehow managed to convey a deeper purpose to me. That, I should begin now. A new beginning .I have songs to sing.
I will sing everyday.