Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Letting go

I have decided to blog often, if not frequently. I am not proud of the way I write and it has taken me a while to actually get to this "task". Yes, as of now, that is how I am going to take it forward. A project in hand. If I don't start today, I am sure a year from now, I going to look back to this day, and wish that I did.
No more regrets. All my outpourings, my blah-blahs, my honest and dishonest opinions, my not so great humorous tales, reviews, and all the dramas of day to day life is going to be all over this page.
I also hope to improve on my articulation skills along the way. But overall, this is going to be my space, where I can just be me.
Take for instance, today I was thinking of how hard it is to let go. Letting go of old habits , a cherished dream or a dear friend. Its always difficult. But I have to overcome the fear of the unknown, and step out of my comfort zone.
There is a beautiful and bright world out there, I'd like to believe. I just wish I can carry the courage in my heart to take that first step. I will know then, even if I failed, I tried. I will pick myself up, and try again.
So here I am letting go of my fear. I will pick that phone up tomorrow and call the car driving school :)

1 comment:

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